Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Veterans Park

Today (well, yesterday...whatever) I went biking at Veterans Park. No one else in my family does the biking thing, so I was by myself, but that's pretty normal :> I like exploring by myself, anyway. (I do wonder what other people think when they hear me talking out loud to myself, though.)

I took Boone's advice and went to Veterans Park, which is on South Point Drive in Lexington (just south of Man O War off Nicholasville Road, or you can get to it from Man O War via Clearwater Drive, or even Saron Drive). As you might expect, there are pictures.

At first, I found myself on a paved jogging path, and although I did find the neat bridge pictured above, I ultimately wasn't satisfied. The path was very short, and took virtually no time at all on my bike. I wasn't in the mood to ride in circles for hours; I wanted to explore.

The dirt trails leading off from the paved path were worrisome because they seemed to be going downhill, and my brakes aren't doing so well these days. (Gotta have those checked.) Plus, the trails seemed to be part of the disc golf course, so I was afraid I would be getting in people's way. However, finally I did venture down a path (eventually walking the bike after having to fling myself off of it to keep from crashing--growling expletives all the way, I assure you), and I'm glad I did. The dirt trail levels off alongside a creek, and runs for quite a distance through the woods. It's absolutely beautiful.

There are lots more pictures. Go check them out.

You'll notice that you can buy prints from this gallery. I've decided to enable that on other galleries, too. If you like any of my pictures, please feel free to buy yourself some copies. I'd feel like a real professional! ;>

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