Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Eerie Catholic prophesy

Check out this prophesy concerning Pope Benedict XVI. The page has been removed from Catholic Planet (maybe it's considered to be in bad taste, given current events), but here's the Google cache. Here are a few choice bits:

The next Pope after John Paul II will take the name Pope Benedict XVI, in imitation of Saint Benedict and also of Pope Benedict XV. Just as Pope Benedict XV was an emissary of peace, so will Pope Benedict XVI be an emissary of peace. Just as Pope Benedict XV sought peace and spoke of peace and wrote papal documents seeking peace, so will Pope Benedict XVI do also. Just as Pope Benedict XV failed to achieve peace in the world, so will Pope Benedict XVI fail to achieve peace in the world. Just as the Pontificate of Benedict XV began prior to World War I, so will the Pontificate of Benedict XVI occur prior to World War III. After the Pontificate of Benedict XVI, World War III will begin. The Arab nations will threaten and attack the United States; they will threaten, attack, invade and conquer Europe; they will threaten, attack, invade and conquer the northern part of Africa. It is God's will.


The Arabs forces will win World War III and will occupy a vast territory for many years. They will oppress and persecute Christians. In the 2030's, this persecution will become very severe. The Arab forces will massacre many Christians. They will hunt down priests and religious and devout Catholics to imprison, torture, and kill them. Millions of Catholic Christians will be killed. This massacre will take place over several years.

In the mid to late 2030's, in World War IV, the Allied nations will attack the lands occupied by the Arab forces. This war will be even more severe than World War III. Many nuclear weapons will be used. The Allies will win the war, at such great cost, and defeat the Arabs even in their own lands. One of the principle Allied leaders is called the great monarch. After the war is won, and after a series of extreme punishments from God upon the whole world, the great monarch will rule over a vast territory (over the lands previously occupied by the Arab forces). Beginning in A.D. 2040, the great monarch will rebuild this territory, and help rebuild the rest of the world, together with the Pope of that time, called the Angelic Shepherd.


There will be many Popes between the Pontificate of the Angelic Shepherd and the last Pope before the Return of Christ. Some of these will be holy, and some will be mediocre, and some will be sinners. The last Pope before the Return of Christ will be killed by the followers of the Antichrist about the year A.D. 2430. He will be killed, most likely in Rome, before the Antichrist gains power over the whole world. He will be killed about the time of a war between the kingdom of the North (Europe) and the kingdom of the South (Israel, the Middle East, northern Africa). The king of the South at that time will be a Catholic Christian.

There will be no more Popes on earth during the nearly seven years of the Antichrist's reign over the world. No more Popes will be elected. The governments of the world, controlled by the Antichrist will not allow such an election. The Bishops of the world, those few who are not dead or imprisoned, will not be able to meet or communicate with one another to elect a new Pope. Actually, it is God's will that no Pope be elected during this time, for Christ will Return at the end of the Antichrist's reign to set everything in order and to begin a long period of peace and holiness on earth. The Church will be without a Pope for seven years prior to the Return of Christ. Christ is the true head of the one holy Catholic Church. The Pope is merely His servant and ours.
It's good to know this stuff in advance, eh?


B Goei said...

aw crap. look what i've got to look forward to. just as i'll be hitting my stride...

seriously, though. that's freakin creepy. honestly, i don't believe it. but i don't believe things in horror flicks either, and they still scare the hell out of me.

Anonymous said...

You have it all wrong. First of all, The Bible specifically never sets dates because "Nobody knows the mind of God" So you can stop with the 2030s stuff. What will happen is that Before any Christians can be tormented on this Earth Jesus will rapture His church. Following the rapture, WWIII will break out after a strike against Israel by Russia. If you want to know more I suggest you read your Bible not some nonsense Catholic prophesy. The spirit of evil entered the Vatican a long time ago. Look into
www.Jesus-Is-Lord.com and find the antichrist slideshow on the page. Also read Are We Living in the End Times by LaHaye. All this should help answer your questions.

Unknown said...

yet more reasons to keep praying for an early death.....

Anonymous said...

I don't know about all this, but I did find this interesting bit in the article.

"Pope Benedict XVI will be a black man, like Saint Benedict the Moor."

which, I don't think is the case.

Heather Meadows said...

Oh, come on...obviously he's just passing, Chris. ;D

Seriously, I think this sort of thing is funny. But I also think it's interesting that this guy knew last year what the new pope's name was going to be. There's a lot I don't know about the Catholic church, but apparently their rituals and traditions are deeply rooted in a path that can be predicted into the future.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm a little confused by the article actually, is the author predicting this or is he simply using the prophetic visions of saint Malachy at the beginning of the article?

on a somewhat amusing note there is this article elsewhere in the site

so if we put the two writings together, hillary will be ready to fight the muslim horde in world war III I don't know about you guys, but I don't think that she'll take any prisoners... I personally wouldn't like to cross her especially if she had her finger on the nuclear button.

Luke said...

"finger on the nuclear button"

And what if they did? No middle eastern nation has the capabilities of hitting us from any held territory. The threat of nuclear proliferation in that area has always been directed at Israel, not the US. And, despite the views of many Evangelicals as well as islamic radicals, US and Israel are two separate countries.

Stuff like this is the funniest kind of spiritual jingoism, and it happens all the time. The end times are always to be brought about by our current greatest perceived threat. Prior to the mid 80s it was the soviets who would bring about WWIII, then it was china with her hordes of foot soldiers. Now, aparently, it's the muslims. ALL OF THEM.

The soviets were never the threat they were made out to be. The Chinese, even with a billion people to throw at us, lack the naval and air power to even get close to our shores with their hordes.

And now these demagogues expect us to fear the ruddy moor invader, despite being often deeply divided between nation states, possessing no real industrial centers and a relatively small population [speaking of the middle east, not Muslims worldwide, which outnumber Catholics]. Somehow, these nations are going to unite, advance and raise a massive army in . . . how long can we expect Benedict to live really? 10 years tops?

Unlikely, but sure to spur lots of fear in a lot of brainwashed zealots.

We'd better just go in and clear the way for Christianity right now.

or, in the words of my arch-conservative evangelical family, "bomb them straight to hell."

Jesus would be proud

Luke said...

In case you're wondering about the king of religious demagoguery I'm talking about, do what the anonymous 'maria' said and go check out www.Jesus-Is-Lord.com
Then if you can't figure out how such nonesense is actually circulating, go look at the underlying worldview, at sites like www.answersingenesis.com

Of course those are evangelical protestant sites [hense the hatred of the Holy See] what makes Heather's, link really interesting is the Catholic bent, which is kind of a new twist.

Anonymous said...

I give the new guy 2 years, I mean, 78 is a long way from being a "youthful" pope. Frankly, I was hopin' for the black pope, just case I'd be kinda funny having a pope with that accent.

But all papal jokes aside, the vision thing is funny. I mean, really, where do people come up with this stuff. Somebody's hittin' the old bong if ya ask me. I have some other issues with that whole thing, but that's for another discussion. I'm on a positive note, so why end it otherwise.

Oh, and hi Hea-chan ^_^


Anonymous said...

Some of you people really don't understand, the Muslims are already here, both of the middle east and our own black Muslims. You think they wouldn't hit us from within.

Anonymous said...

This is addressed to Maria who stated that evil entered the Holy Catholic Church long ago. Well Maria, as a devout Catholic, I have to say you are correct. Evil has been with us from the beginning and with you too. Scandal has always been apart of Christianity. Remember St. Peter denied Christ three times, St. Thomas denied the wounds of Christ, and need I go any further. We are all weak and in need of prayer. Do not thing that the Holy Catholic Church is the only Church in which Evil has entered. Just remember, Evil has entered all good, true, and holy churches, including yours Maria! You are not immune. Sincerely yours in Christ.

Anonymous said...

Maria, nice Anti Catholic bigotry. Why is it that Evangelicals like yourself define your whole existence based on your hatred for the one HOLY CATHOLIC and Apostolic Church and Christ's Vicar on Earth..The Pope.

Get over it, move on, go study your Bible you bibleolater.

"And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18

What church do you think our Lord was speaking of?

Don't strain your brain, I'll give you the answer: The CATHOLIC CHURCH!

God Bless you Maria, with such a beautiful name, perhaps you can pray to our Blessed Holy Mother Mary for some wisdom and enlightenment.

Oh, and another thing, we VENERATE Mary as the mother of God, we don't worship her so you can stop spreading that lie all over the place as well.