Monday, July 18, 2005

Anime in Saudi Arabia

Arab News: Japanese Animation a Growing Sensation Among Youngsters

The programs provide new-found cultural, historical and other information about Japan. The animations when displayed in the market are rated and organized to suit different ages with different interests. Beginners often start watching with friends and then download them or order them from the Internet.

However, for those who are hooked, it may mean travel to the Far East to a veritable animation paradise of programs unavailable in the Middle East. They can start a life-changing experience.

"Once you start watching these animations, you'll never stop," said Waleed Khaled, pilot with Saudia. "From watching them I have learned about their impressive culture and went to study there for while, where I learned the language and married my Japanese wife. Now am looking forward to have a baby or two and raise them with a mixture of both cultures - Saudi and Japanese."
Via Saudi Jeans, via Global Voices Online.

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