Saturday, July 9, 2005


Well, I'm very near the end of the third book of the Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, and I have the first book of the Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant (on loan from AJ) waiting for me, buuuuuuuut...

...I think I'll take a break from Lord Foul's manifold machinations against the Land and see how far I can get into the Harry Potter books before The Half-Blood Prince shows up on my doorstep next Saturday.

I realize the chances of actually getting through all five books in one week are nil. However, my schedule is pretty open right now...and I didn't feel like just rereading book five, diving into all those ellipses without the safety net of the first three books.

So there you have it. Madness.

Think I'll start now.


Anonymous said...

I've been meaning to pick up the new Thomas Covenant book, but I'm putting it off until after Harry Potter. I've also been concerned because some of the reviews for the new one haven't been great on the sci-fi/fantasy boards I frequent.


Heather Meadows said...

AJ seemed to like it. He's the biggest Thomas Covenant fan I know. He's like a drug pusher when it comes to those books.

He even wrote a song about them.