Saturday, October 29, 2005

Our wedding photos

Sean and me, just married, at Augusta Golf and Gardens

Thankfully, we didn't lose our wedding pictures in the fire. They were all digital, and Mom had full-size copies. She gave them to me when I visited last, and today I uploaded the full images to my smugmug. Those of you who saw my wedding pictures over on the old Aubrey Family website will find new pictures in the Reception gallery: I've uploaded the pictures from the disposable cameras as well as the digital images. Most of them didn't come out very well, unfortunately, but I do like this one:

Connor taking a picture of me taking a picture with a disposable camera

If you don't want to wade through all those shots, and instead are interested only in the pictures that I think are good, click here. (Bear in mind that I love them all, but from an artistic point of view only the ones I've tagged as "good" make the grade.) If you'd like to nominate a photo to be tagged as "good", just comment on this post! (I plan eventually to go through all my photos and tag the best ones.)

I've also added a "funny" tag to some of these pics. Check it out ;)

Ben with his eyes crossed, holding a sign that says 'Mom says I can't eat between meals, so please don't feed me'.

My baby brother, ladies and gentlemen.


Heather Meadows said...

There are some good ones of AJ, too... ;>

Anonymous said...

To my recollection, Faye not only set up a lot of shots for you guys, but she also took a few pictures herself.

If anyone viewing wants to think they're somehow "cooler" or "more acceptable by humanity than previously thought" after seeing that shot of Ben, I have two fists to prove them wrong.

Heather Meadows said...

I was too busy being a blushing bride to really notice what was going on...thanks for letting me know, I'll fix the gallery descriptions :)

Unknown said...

GORGEOUS!!! I especially love the ones of you and Sean in the golf cart smiling at each other and the one you cropped and blew up. And how nice that Reid was the best man!

Can you go through your family tree again? Who is Faye and who are Connor's parents?

Heather Meadows said...

Sure! Here's a basic rundown:

My parents, Ron and Julie Aubrey, had three children: me, AJ, and Ben.

I am married to Sean. (duh)

AJ is married to Faye. They have two children, Connor and Logan.

Ben is married to Manda. (At the time of the wedding, Manda was still in Canada, so she couldn't make it. They got married this year.)

We have one living grandparent, Florence Aubrey, who unfortunately couldn't make it to the wedding.

And now for Sean's side:

Reid and Cheryl Meadows have one child, Sean. (They also have two pomeranians ;>)

Reid's mother is Mema, and his stepfather is Papa Stan.

Cheryl's mother is Flo Chalker (Grandma Flo), and Uncle Kenny is Cheryl's brother.

The rest of the people at the reception are friends :)

Heather Meadows said...

hehehe. Yes, it's required!