Friday, November 25, 2005

The ___ [Area]

It seems like everywhere I go in the United States, people refer to the larger region in what are likely hyperbolic claims, such as "Lowest prices in the CSRA!" I find these region names fascinating.

Back home, it was "Central Kentucky" or "the Bluegrass", which is the central (and northern) part of Kentucky. (The other regions in Kentucky are Knobs, Pennyroyal, Jackson Purchase, Eastern Coal Fields, and Western Coal Fields. We learn all this stuff in fourth grade and then promptly forget it.)

In Augusta, it's "the CSRA", which stands for Central Savannah River Area (region 7 on the state government's map).

And here in Charleston, it's "the Lowcountry" (a name which has its roots in history).

What is it where you live?

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