Monday, November 7, 2005


So, the West Wing had a presidential debate!

It kind of sounds like the "Republican candidate" said a lot of boring/trite stuff, but I don't know for sure, since I didn't watch it. Maybe he said cool stuff and the author of the article just chose to quote the lame parts.

In any case, the idea of a "gloves off" presidential debate is really appealing to me. It would be cool to see.

Meanwhile, you can buy all of Star Trek for a mere $2499.99. Go forth, nerds, and plunder!


Anonymous said...

I'd have to say that the "debate" was pretty even-handed. If anything, Alda's character got the best of it, doing (I thought) a better job of explaining his position and having better timing than Smits.

Sam Paris

Heather Meadows said...

Cool, thanks for letting me know! I have to admit that I was impressed that a fabulous actor like Alan Alda was participating. (I'm serious--he's good.)

Unknown said...

I watched it - it's one of my favorite shows - at one point, I turned to B and said, "Don't you wish this was a real debate - that these two were our choices for President?"

I seriously don't know for which one I would vote!

It was cool that there were very few commercials, that Forrest Sawyer moderated, and that the "Live - NBC News" logo was in the corner.

Heather Meadows said...

It'd be nice to have a real presidential candidate, that's for sure.

Man, this is sad. It's just sad that a partially scripted TV show can be more authentic than our real-life politicians.

Heather Meadows said...


Wish I could have seen it for myself :>