Thursday, November 24, 2005


Today Ruth has the following thought on her blog:

I always liked this no frills festival. There is no canned music in shops whispering 'My product will absorb all your loneliness' to the tune of Jingle Bells, no guilt-laced tinsel at the edge of your vision starting two months beforehand, no fairy-lit high streets draining the earth's resources and beckoning you to spend, spend, spend.....

No, rather than steal from the Earth, there is a meal shared, a holiday taken, and a grand giving of thanks for Her bountiful gifts. Religious it may not be but spiritual it certainly is.
I'm feeling a little prickly due to a conversation we've been having here, so my first reaction was a little sour. I love Christmas, and it makes me happy to have special events and beautiful decorations all around.

But I can certainly appreciate Ruth's sentiment about Thanksgiving. It's a lovely holiday, a time for appreciation of family and food and the richness of life.

This year, Sean and I will enjoy rotisserie chicken, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, stuffing, and peach pie with Cheryl and Reid, sharing each other's company and experiencing the beauty of an Old South town.

I wish all of you similar Thanksgiving happiness :)

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