Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Good news for those of us on mush overload

I won't name names, but somebody's been pretty darn happy lately, and we curmudgeons simply won't stand for it!

Fortunately, an answer to this dilemma lies in science.

The powerful emotions that bowl over new lovers are triggered by a molecule known as nerve growth factor (NGF), according to Pavia University researchers.

The Italian scientists found far higher levels of NGF in the blood of 58 people who had recently fallen madly in love than in that of a group of singles and people in long-term relationships.

But after a year with the same lover, the quantity of the 'love molecule' in their blood had fallen to the same level as that of the other groups.
Thank goodness!



David said...

So how much Romantic Love did you get out of Sean, or does his body produce antibodies against it? :P

In exactly 4 weeks, it's time for some serious mush ;)

Heather Meadows said...

Your mom produces antibodies!!!!!!!

David said...

Do you want me to bring you the sick bag from the plane?

Anonymous said...

WOO, MUSH!! ;) Bring on the mush, for reals! God, the days are SO SLOW..

Heather, I'm going to get you a cute lil gingham check barf bag, lined with plastic, with your name embroidered on it, so you'll look fashionable when we're all out together, and the mush gets to be too much for you..