Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Busy, tired, happy, headachey

My day went pretty well, except for this killer headache, which is still plaguing me so I'll make this quick.

I went to the Riverwalk recently. Here are some uncaptioned pictures. And here are some more. I'll caption them eventually.

I have also uploaded pictures from my birthday party. We went to Putt-Putt, then Macaroni Grill, then back to the apartment for Cranium and cake. Mari, Kelly, Brooke, Amanda, and Wes joined me and Sean, though unfortunately Kelly had to leave after Putt-Putt to study for the GRE. (He and Mari both passed, yay!)

I only have pictures through Macaroni Grill. Enjoy all the pictures of cake-baking from before the party. I figured I'd be cute and photograph the entire recipe while I was making it. You can see the recipe on my laptop in some of the pictures.

Yesterday was my actual birthday. A combination of under-the-weather-ness and car trouble kept me home from the station, but I was able to work. I also received a fantastic birthday present yesterday--two 128 meg memory cards for my camera from Mom and Dad! I called them and we had a great conversation, and I got to talk to AJ too! Mom also sent me some great videos from the family's Memorial Day, including one video where pretty much everyone in the family says "Happy Birthday Heather!" one at a time. :)

I got some great presents from my friends, too :) I got a $20 Target gift card, some pretty earrings, and Friends season 8 :) And I also got three funny birthday cards :)

All in all, it was a great birthday. I really enjoyed my party. I was worried about whether or not my work friends would get along with my other friends, but people really just seemed to click. It was awesome. We had so much fun playing Putt-Putt and Cranium :)


I also tried a few sips of Brooke's drink at Macaroni Grill, and it was actually okay! It was some kind of chocolate vodka thing. The creamy chocolatey-ness masked the alcohol just enough.

I'm still not sure there's a good reason to drink alcohol, but I'm glad I'm not afraid of it anymore.

I have an appointment with my endocrinologist on Friday morning before work. I'm really not sure what she's going to say at this point, other than "you need to lose weight". How long will be it be before she decides to give up on my ovaries? I'm pretty sure I've already given up on them.

It's looking like I may need a new car sooner than November. Now it's just a matter of what car that will be. Sean is leery of buying new at this point because we haven't saved enough to pay in full. He would rather do used if we have to take out a loan. I would really like to change his mind, because I want a Yaris. I'm going to do some research and see what I can find out.

I finished Full Moon wo Sagashite tonight. Almost burst into tears at Meroko's "judgment". Good on ya, nameless deity.

Still trying to ignore the whole 12/22 thing. Must...shut off...brain...

My head is killing me, so I'll sign off here. Adios amigos!


Roderick said...

Wish I got to this on time, but;



Heather Meadows said...

Aww, thanks! :)