Saturday, May 27, 2006

Holiday weekend

It's officially the start of my lovely three day weekend!

I suppose some might say the start was last night when I got off work, but somehow I never feel like it's the weekend until the first day I wake up and don't have to go somewhere.

I was pretty upset at first when I realized why I was upset. I even thought about cancelling my party and asking Sean to feed Sinbad so I could take a quick trip to Kentucky. But ultimately I decided not to. I don't want to impose on other people; I don't want to cancel my party at the last minute and hope people are available next weekend; and my car's brakes really aren't doing so well, so I'd rather those were fixed before I try to drive cross-country.

Plus, taking a trip would be draining. Even though I have really wanted to go on a trip lately, I think at this point what I need is a break. I've been on the verge of burnout for awhile now. I've managed to avoid it for the most part, but I could feel myself fraying at the edges. A trip would have been nice, and long-awaited, but those sixteen hours in the car wouldn't have left much time for relaxation.

So for now I will just enjoy my weekend, enjoy my birthday, and try to figure out when I'll be able to go to Kentucky next. Maybe I can work something out for the 4th of July.

Today I don't have any particular plans, other than feeding Sinbad. If it's not too hot I might try going for a bike ride. I didn't get up early enough to catch the cool morning, so that might be impossible.

Tomorrow is my fun party! Everyone's meeting for putt-putt golf at 4, and after that we'll go to Macaroni Grill, and finally we'll come back here for cake. I decided to bake my own cake, and I think I'm going to try to use this recipe. I haven't decided if I want to make it today or tomorrow morning. Maybe today would be better.

I have zero plans for Monday. I don't have to work or go to 2go-Box. I imagine I'll do something, though...I'm not the type who can sit around for very long. Maybe I'll finally drive up to the dam. I've been wanting to go see it for some time. And since Sean's off on Monday, I can take his car ;>


Anonymous said...

Use milk instead of water in that cake and it will have even nicer texture M

Heather Meadows said...

Oooh, thanks for the tip! Will skim milk work?

Anonymous said...


Heather Meadows said...

Thanks! :)