Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I'm not sure what this means in the grand scale, but it feels somehow monumental

The other day, Sean and I went to Mikoto for dinner. It was really nice. Sean had his usual sushi with shrimp tempura appetizer, and I had shrimp tempura and sashimi, and we split a dragon roll to see how that was.

I also got it into my head to drink some cold sake. I have no idea why. I remembered how it was to drink it when I was in Akita--I took a sip of hot and a sip of cold, and liked the cold better. But I didn't really remember anything else about it.

So we ordered a bottle. It had a little over six ounces in it. It came with cute little cups. Sean and I aren't big drinkers, so we had no idea how we were supposed to drink it.

So, we took each ounce like a shot.

And ugh, did it ever taste terrible.

Sean liked it, actually. He said it was very smooth and there was little aftertaste, unlike other hard liquors. But I thought it was awful. "Bleah," I said, "this is worse than medicine. And it does nothing for me."

Which was true. I felt no effects whatsoever.

We each had three "shots", and then I let Sean have the tiny bit that was left.

When our waitress was clearing our table, Sean told her we were done with the alcohol, and she said "...wow, fast." So I'm pretty sure we were supposed to sip it. I don't know if the experience would have been different if I'd done that, though.

I have always been afraid to drink alcohol. Alcoholism runs in my family, and I already have a weakness for food. I was always afraid that I would like alcohol too, and that I wouldn't be able to control my cravings for it. So I don't know why I suddenly decided I wanted to have some sake. It was totally random, and the feeling didn't just come over me and pass...it settled. Maybe I had just hit the point in my life where I felt confident enough in myself to try it.

But obviously I needn't have worried, because alcohol is nasty ;>

The car next to ours in the parking lot had a hilarious hood ornament. "It's too bad you don't have your camera," Sean said.

"Actually, I do."

"I hereby give you permission to take a picture of that."

hood ornament.  and that lens flare?  TOTALLY on purpose.  yeah.

Then we went home.


David said...

You probably didn't give it a fair try by starting with chilled saki.

I also think you can distinguish between the appreciation of the drink, it's flavour, smell etc, and the drinking to get drunk subculture.

I hardly drink, but I do appreciate a good wine, and I think you would.

Heather Meadows said...

I know that Sean hates champagne, and I think he has little use for wine, but I'm not positive. He does like mixed drinks.

I had a sip of a Spanish marguarita once, and I think it was okay. I've never tried wine or anything, obviously.

I was hoping for the "appreciation" thing when I randomly decided I wanted sake. But it was like drinking Listerine. (Well, no; worse than that.)

I swear, though, that when I tried both hot and cold in Akita (where you can get the best sake, supposedly), I liked the cold better.

At any rate, I feel like I've reached a turning point. I feel like I'm not afraid to try other drinks.

I used to wear my "I've only have a few sips of alcohol my entire life" proudly, like a badge of honor...but inside I always felt like a wuss. Like I wasn't being strong and devoted to an ideal, but instead I was being weak and running from something I feared.

And then I stopped and turned around. And I still don't know why.

Anonymous said...

Sake is one of the nastier drinks on the market. Congrats on actually finishing three shots of it.

Tom and April left a bottle of that at my house when they moved because..... well, probably for the same reason that I couldn't get anyone to drink it or take it and eventually had to just pour it down the sink because *I* certainly wasn't gunna drink it after that first sip.

Alcohol is like a lot of other things. You're not going to find much aside from a few mixed drinks that actually taste "good", because all of it has an alcohol flavor in it.

Wine and beer are more popular because they're not as hard on you, but for both you have to develop a "taste" for them. Kind of like getting used to smoking. You have to have 'em enough to where you actually enjoy the flavor. Me, I'd rather have a pitcher of water than a cold beer on a hot day.

But as far as alcohol goes, it's a matter of finding something that you like in order to reach the "experience". If you drink because you want to "drink alcohol like other people" you'll never be satisfied. You aren't ever going to find something "better" than your favorite shake or coffee or soda.

If you have wine, beer, hard liquor, or a mixed drink because you want to "get a buzz" or perhaps even get totally smashed and puke your guts out, then the lip-curling flavor of the liquor isn't going to bother you as much. It only tastes like shit for a little bit, and then you've got what you bought it for.