Monday, November 6, 2006

Video posts?

So, with the ending of the Audioblogger chapter of my online journaling experience, I've been wondering what to use to replace it, if anything.

It occurred to me the other day that I could produce video posts and host them with my spankin'-new YouTube account. Because I have no editing software, the videos would simply consist of me, talking. Perhaps the camera would be on me. Perhaps it would be focused on some sort of scene.

It wouldn't be as immediate as my phone posts, or as simple...but it might be interesting.

It would also open me up to ridicule from the YouTube masses. But hey.


Merujo said...

I've put one item up on YouTube - and that came out very strange, with the video and audio not synched together. However, at least I know I can "vlog", but very primitively. And the nice thing is, you can set your YouTube entries to be virtually private and to not accept comments. I like that. Lord knows, life is hard enough without bozos making unpleasant personal appraisals...

Man, I miss Audioblogger. I have a great face for radio! ;-)

Heather Meadows said...

LOL :)

You look like family to me. I know that doesn't make any sense, but oh well :>

Weird that the audio desynched. Must have happened during the automated conversion. What type of source file did you have?