Thursday, October 4, 2007

The most annoying kind of limbo

I'm having kind of a rough day, for reasons, annoyingly enough, I cannot explain to you! I will explain them eventually, though, so don't worry.

My mood made me want to be anywhere but work for most of my shift, which is not a fun feeling to have when you're trying to get things done.

One good point was that I went to Boll Weevil with Brooke and had the Curious George sandwich and potato soup, which was yummy. Also, their tea was good today. As a further bonus, Brooke is coming over a little later to hang out. Maybe we'll watch the Detective Conan movie. I understand lime sherbet will be involved as well.

Right now I'm just going to veg out on the couch, read some manga, eat some cottage cheese, and try to relax.

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