Saturday, June 5, 2004

Media bias; plus, what I'm up to

I love it when Den Beste points these things out. What you see or read on the news really is just a matter of how the news organization wants to frame the information they've received.

I finished off Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban with time to spare before seeing the movie last night. I must say, it's my favorite book so far. That may have tempered my opinion of the movie, too, because I came away from it feeling like it was the best of the three, while Kelly was far less impressed.

Regardless of whether or not the movie is actually good, I stand by my opinion that the soundtrack is the best of the Harry Potter music, and is indeed the best from John Williams that I've heard in awhile. The man is my idol, musically, but of late he has taken to essentially plagiarizing himself. (For example, of all the music in The Phantom Menace, the only truly unique theme was "Duel of the Fates". For a more relevant example, the main theme we hear when a Harry Potter movie opens or is advertised is almost exactly the same as a spooky, magical little melody from Hook.)

Having blown through three Harry Potter novels, I'm starting to feel like a real reader again. In fact, tonight I finally started reading The Time Traveler's Wife...and it is really, really good. I've missed being a reader; I haven't been voracious about it since sometime in high school. The only thing I don't really like about reading is having to handle the books. There is no comfortable way to read. I have three typical positions, which I switch off as I get uncomfortable: on my back, holding the book over my face; on my stomach, with the book resting on my pillow; and sitting cross-legged, leaning down towards the book. Depending on the size and weight of the book, lying on my back, which is otherwise the most comfortable position, can be a true hassle.

I don't particularly like reading things of novel length on my computer, because I have no real way of stopping. It's not like I can put a bookmark in exactly where I want to (although I don't know about ebook software, and whether or not this is possible with that). I have read in the La-Z-Boy we got from Sean's parents, and it works out okay: I can prop my elbows on the armrests, which is something of a relief to my arms. Maybe with a pillow in my lap it would work out...

It might be fun to take a book over to the workout room at the apartment clubhouse and read while walking on a treadmill. I may try that at some point; more exercise would definitely be a good thing.

Work has been much better than it was on Monday and last week. I'm not sure what my problem was, but at least part of it can be attributed to hormones and lack of sleep. Yesterday I had something of a bad experience on a call, but I refused to let it bother me. I was pretty impressed with myself afterwards. If it had happened on Monday, I'm not sure what would have happened.

Mari and Brooke and I were supposed to bellydance today, but things didn't work out. Hopefully we will be bike-riding tomorrow, and maybe we can squeeze in some bellydance too. I would like to get myself on a regimen of going through all the basic bellydance motions, several times each, every day. I got the idea from Mari; it would be a fantastic aerobic/muscular workout. Now I just need to figure out what time of day I want to do it. I would have time in the morning if I got up at 5 (like I usually try to), but I would also have time right after work, in the "dead" time between then and when I have to start making dinner. I suppose I could just dedicate myself to doing it during one of those two times.

I need to go grocery shopping and pick up some meat for the week, and vegetables. Perishable food is the bane of my existence...I have trouble actually using it up before it goes bad. At the same time, though, I really want to start eating fresh foods, and stop using packaged/processed products.

As a final note...I found a couple new blogs to read recently. One belongs to a 17 year old and the other belongs to a 73 year old. I found them through Blogger's new profile feature...I have "emotion" listed as one of my interests, and out of curiosity I clicked it to see if anyone else had used that word too. Interestingly, only a handful of people came up. Of those, I found myself drawn to these two: goei and rare.

rare has a sort of rambling, stream-of-consciousness, yet somehow practiced and beautiful flow to his writing, and yesterday he wrote something that really touched me, so I would like to share it.


Anonymous said...

prisoner of azkaban was a great movie, but so much backstory was edited out to cut the movie down to 2 hours.

while the first two movies were 3 hours long and MOSTLY held close to the books, the third one did a lot of editing and rearranging, even going so far as to move a certain scene to the end of the movie, so it would have a happy "movie" ending, rather than the bittersweet ending of the book.

it makes me wonder how the fourth movie will be. the fourth book is about as long as the first and third books put together, and is my favorite of the five so far (although sirius black is still my favorite character). the ending is fantastic, but can in no way be described as a "movie" ending. i honestly say that the fourth potter movie will be "interesting to see", just to find out how they handle the whole storyline.

as for bookmarking computerized novels, i just add a "*****" to where i want to stop, then do a search for that string when i'm ready to pick it up again. =]

- hai

Heather Meadows said...

Ah, that's a thought.

I started writing a hugeass reply, but I'm just going to make it my next post :)