Wednesday, July 7, 2004

DAY 24

One lap around complex
4 minutes on stairclimber (legs were dead after biking yesterday)
50 crunches
20 elbows-to-knees (been conveniently forgetting this one lately)
30 each side lats
30 each side obliques
50 back raises
20 wuss pushups
30 each side inner thigh lifts (outside)
30 each side inner thigh lifts (inside)
30 each side side leg lifts
20 scissor kicks (though today they were more like bicycle kicks)
20 each side glutes

The clock in the workout room was wrong. I had gotten up at around 4:15 due to having to pee, using that opportunity to take a pregnancy test, and not seeing the point in going back to sleep afterwards. So when I saw that the clock said 6:00, I disbelieved...but just in case, I came back to the apartment. It was only 5:15.

I have a mild cough--not the rattling kind yet, but we'll see. I also seem to be developing a splitting headache. Stress? :P

I'm going to have McDonald's for breakfast, I think. I also think I'm going to be very happy when I get to come home at 11. I'm going to go straight to bed, if I'm still feeling then the way I do now.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Girlie!! You've inspired me with your workout sessions!! I'm ready to get back to SOME sort of a routine; not being able to bike at regular intervals (although class will be over this week, thank GOODNESS) has been really depressing, lately, and I NEED to start my strength training or at least the pilates again. I can tell a difference, even though it might not be noticeable to others. Not to mention I don't feel all guilty when I'm actually getting some exercise. My bike is in the shop at the moment, but should be out on Saturday --at least, that's the day the bike shop lady told me to come back. (I really DO need to try and remember her name, she's always SO COOL when I go in there. Like when I took the bike in, yesterday --they're still not really re-opened at their new location, but she told me she'd have it ready for me by Saturday, anyway...!!)

Oh well, I shall plan on some strength training exercises or some pilates later on tonight when I get home, then; thanks, Heather!! :D And if you want to go ride this weekend, just let me know. I'm hoping to get my bike back on Saturday, so hopefully I can get it done early.....


Heather Meadows said...

Yeah, hopefully we can all go biking as a group. Mari has to bow out on Thursday, but I will still go with Chris, I think. Then next Tuesday is Brooke's Big Day, so no biking then either. So it would be nice to get some biking in this weekend to make up for it :)

I'm glad that what I've been doing is inspirational...gee that sounds cheesy :> But yeah, I guess I have just been sticking to a routine, and I've been doing it long enough that it's automatic. I wouldn't feel right if I didn't do it. That's the place I was hoping to get to, so I'm going to stay here :)

I need to add more aerobic exercise to my routine somehow, though. I'm not going to worry about it until the week after next. Next week I have to work full time again because my coworker will be on vacation, but after that I should settle into some sort of regular routine. Half days would be fine with me, because I've enjoyed being able to nap when I get home. (I slept from around 2 until 5 this afternoon...whee)