Tuesday, July 20, 2004

DAY 37

I had to force myself out of bed this morning.  I stayed up too late watching America's Funniest Sitcom Families or Something Like That on ABC.  It was really amusing.  I especially liked the off-the-cuff remarks by the late John Ritter.  The man was a genius.
Anyway, it just kept going on and on and before I knew it it was 10:30, so I hopped into bed finally.  Too late, really.
I was supposed to have gotten off work at 11, but as is the norm these days I stayed late, until around 1.  It was fine, though...I had stuff to get done, and I managed quite a bit of it.  Today Robert is out of town, and I will be working on training Wanda to do the stuff I won't be able to do while I'm out of town :>  So today will be a full workday.  Fortunately, yesterday I went grocery shopping, so that's out of the way.  I even know what I'm making for dinner tonight :)  (Last night, we ordered in from T.G.I. Friday's...)
Since I got up a little later than usual, and was moving kind of slowly, I made a circuit around the complex and then skipped the stairclimber.  I don't know if we're biking today or not, but my legs may thank me for the reprieve.  I then did my usual routine, same as last time.
I don't think I'm going to make Sean's lunch this morning.  I really need to get in the habit of doing that the night before :P  My time in the morning is priceless.

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