Saturday, July 17, 2004

It's the weekend, my back is feeling better, I work part time next week, and I'm going to Kentucky the week after that, and then Boston the week after

I've hit the limit for title length!!  But there's lot of good news, and I didn't want to focus on just one thing :>
Unfortunately, I don't have time to write about it, because I've been dilly-dallying and now I need to run off with Brooke to see Mari bellydance...then we're having sushi...and then we're helping Mari pack/move stuff to her new house!!!!  Joygasm!!!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good time, except for that packing and moving part. I'm far too late to give advice, so I hope you got some gatorade before you start hauling things from house to house...

Heather Meadows said...

We ended up painting instead. I would have preferred moving. I don't really like painting all that much. But we did a pretty good job. Mari and her parents are finishing it up tonight; I, on the other hand, am going to bed.

I'd help them move stuff tomorrow, but I've already made plans to watch Prince of Tennis all day. And, you know, that sort of engagement simply can't be cancelled...

Heather Meadows said...

The thing is, they don't have all that much stuff. And what they do have is already boxed/organized nicely. It would just be a matter of putting stuff in my car, driving over, and taking it out.

I don't know, I think it would be fun to help bring stuff over and then see where they decide to put it. That's the sort of thing that interests me. Painting is boring because you work for hours on the same outcome, I guess.

Heather Meadows said...

heheheheheh. Maybe I was better off watching Prince of Tennis, then. Somehow, though, I'm unconvinced, and I feel like I missed out on something cool :> I'm weird like that.