Thursday, July 8, 2004

DAY 25


Last night I seemed to pull a muscle in my back, above my right hip. I took some Advil and was able to sleep. This morning it wasn't as painful, but I could still feel it.

I didn't feel like leaving the apartment, so I stayed in and did my usual crunches, wuss-pushups and leg lifts, plus the calf raises I've been forgetting to do. No stairclimber or treadmill in here, though. Oh well.

I really don't feel all that good today. Hopefully work won't be too stressful.


Anonymous said...

I hope you'll feel better soon *hugs* Don't push yourself too hard, take things easy for a few days. Wouldn't want to end up with persistant backaches, ne? See a doctor if it doesn't get better. Take care, kay?


Anonymous said...

You've working out for 25 day straight? Woa! Take a break. Take tomorrow off, seriously. Optimally you shoulod rest every other day, or work one set of mucsle groups one day and another then next. It is hard to get into a habit that way though, so You don't have to do it that way, but you should take every seventh day off. So ,seriously, take tomorrow off, and skip fridays from now on.

(Disclaimer--take my advice with a grain of salt, of course. Research it, there may be more effective and habit forming methods(See a doctor before increasing your daily salt intake... (see a lawyer before choosing a dactor... (consult your spouse before chosing a lawyer...(ask your mom before choosing a spouse)))))

Anonymous said...

that's like... me up there...

Heather Meadows said...


Well, 25 is how many days it's been since I started, but I haven't worked out every day. You'll note that I pretty much skip weekends. I also skipped a Friday here and there.

I'm not doing any elaborate weight training. I don't think what I'm doing warrants the every-other-day procedure. If I start doing stuff that is meant for muscle-building, I'll definitely take that into consideration. (I do plan on doing that; just not sure what, or when.)

My workouts are always in the morning, and they typically last from 30 to 45 minutes. Nothing spectacular, or worrisome.

Dawn, thanks for the good thoughts :) My back is feeling much better today. I think it was just a little out of whack yesterday, for some reason.