Friday, July 2, 2004

New photo site

You'll note that the Photography link in the About section has changed. It now points to my site at smugmug. I'm in the process of uploading pictures from my summer 2001 Japan trip. When I'm done with that I'll probably do my honeymoon pictures (also Japan), and maybe my pictures of Savannah. I'm going to eventually have a gallery where people can buy prints, but I'm going to carefully select each photo for that gallery rather than just let people buy prints of any old thing. That way, people will know that I've hand-selected the good ones for them to choose from.

Of course, maybe no one will buy any...I'm not a professional photographer by any means, so I don't even know if my pictures will be appealing. I've been complimented by people who don't do photography, but my standing among actual photographers is nonexistent.

I'd like to try and get better, but photography is one of the many things that I'm sort of good at that I will have to work harder to improve at. It's always hard for me to choose from among those options. In fact, I'm not sure I've ever done it, except under duress.

Anyway, if you'd like to sign up for smugmug, I'd appreciate a referral. Put either my regular email address (not the AMRN one) or the following code: pdl2RSsjWeOR6 into the "Referred By" field when signing up.

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