Sunday, July 18, 2004


I don't believe that the Republicans are fuming over gay marriage now in an effort to "distract" people from the war, because I don't believe Republicans think people are so stupid that they can't concentrate on more than one thing at a time.  I think the issue came up because gay people started getting married.  It would have come up when that happened regardless of the timing.
The Republicans are wrong, though.
I just thought this was cute, and wanted to share.


Anonymous said...

They're just trying to make sure the elemnts of the Christian Right that didn't vote in 2000 come out in force. The Republicans will go quiet on it as the election gets closer and they start to appeal to swing voters more.

Heather Meadows said...

That's an interesting theory. I was always under the impression that the religious right saw voting as the 11th commandment or something.