Monday, April 18, 2005

Am I oversensitive? ;P

Maybe I am too attuned to racism and possible racism, but this quote from Cory Doctorow really surprised me:

When these $40 Pac Man hats ship in July, you'll finally be able to live out your Pac Man cosplay fantasies as your head becomes a living white dot for the Pac Man to devour.
Sure...if you're a pale-ass whitey!

This is like calling the color of a pink crayon "flesh", or pale tan nylons "nude".


Anonymous said...

I think you're being TOO sensitive, Hea Hea; if you remember, the dots in the game where, in fact, white. ;) Heheheheheh :) It's all good, Girlie...

Heather Meadows said...

I know the dots were white. My point is that it's an imperfect metaphor, because not everyone's head is white.

I wouldn't have noticed anything if he'd just said that people's heads become dots for Pac-Man to eat. But he said "white"...

Bleh :>