Thursday, April 21, 2005

Ooh look, another one.

Your Linguistic Profile:

65% General American English
20% Yankee
15% Dixie
0% Midwestern
0% Upper Midwestern

This is interesting to me as a person who has studied linguistics (I wish I could just say "linguist"...:P). A lot of these questions (maybe all of them) are familiar to me as fun quizzes we used to take in class. Do those of you who have spoken to me in person or on the phone agree with this assessment?


Anonymous said...

Y'know what? I can't really tell, because I'm not that familiar with the subtleties of American English. I have no difficulties understanding you at all, if that's any help. ^_^;; But I tried the test and these are my results (no percentage in the last two fields).

50% General American English
30% Yankee
20% Dixie

Although I'd prolly say that my English is more British than American, due to my education, but watching a lot of American TV over the years probably influence quite a bit of my pronunciation as well. My spellings of words varies depending on who I'm speaking to. ^_^

As for the people who've spoken to me on the phone or in person, there are those who seem to think I don't have an accent, there's one mention that I pronounce too much of my consonants (very French, said he), while Sam, I think, mentioned that I clip the end of my words. And of course, some say I sound Asian. I do notice that if I speak too quickly or when I'm tired, I tend to mangle my words. Like the Rs and the Ls. :P Hmm... I dunno. What do you think? I recall having a conversation with you on this, but I can't remember what you said. Me and my cursed memory. x_x


David said...

40% General American English
35% Yankee
15% Dixie
5% Midwestern
5% Upper Midwestern

I would never say sneakers or tennis shoes; it would be trainers. And we don't have a word for an easy class, although I might call it a noddy class, after Noddy the Enid Blyton children's character.

Heather Meadows said...

So, I've got two people who don't even speak American English taking the American English quiz.


Dawn, I'm not sure I remember what I said about your speech. Lexically, you have some terms that I'd never heard, like "handphone" and "aircon", and whenever you used them I would get totally confused ;> Your accent (or whatever) sounded a little British, but with a rich, tonal quality.

David, you guys don't say "tennies"? Who is it that says that, then? don't have a word for an easy class? Does that mean that none of the classes in the UK are easy? :>

David said...

No, not us for tennies, that might be the Australians.

There are some easy classes at High School, the common joke was that Geography was Colouring In.

Anonymous said...

I took the thing, but I didn't feel like commenting. I've been living in a kind of nuetral zone for a while now.

60% General American English
20% Yankee
15% Dixie
5% Upper Midwestern
0% Midwestern

I notice nothing pecular about your speach at all, but I'm used to a number of accents, so I tend not to notice things like that, unless I have reason to think about it.

Dawn does tend to clip the end sounds of words, but it doesn't hinder understanding at all. Dawn is hardest to understand when she talks quietly, and that goes for most least for me. I have tinitus, so there's always a level of "noise" in my hearing.