Monday, September 12, 2005

The etymology of OMGWTFBBQ has several definitions of the term. It may or may not have originated on GameFAQs, Something Awful, and/or Starcraft, and it may or may not have something to do with the Korean word for "fuck you".

Personally, I always just figured it was a way to mock Internet acronyms, but whatever. Also, I think saying BBQ stands for "be back quick" is BS. It's barbecue. I mean, come on.

I'm not sure when I first heard it (thanks a lot, apartment fire, for destroying my records), but I know it was Kevin who first said it to me.


Anonymous said...

Hey man... BBQ was IRC speak for "be back quick" at least as early as 1991 when I started using it. It was not uncommon to see it juxtaposed with other acronyms, which would often evoke comments from amused chatters.

For instance:

bob: Dude! OJ Simpson is in a car chase with the LAPD on channel 7 right now!! turn on the tv!
lisa: LMAOBBQ!!!
bob: haha lmao barbeque

... or variations on the theme.

It seems entirely possible OMGWTFBBQ was first used in this way.

Heather Meadows said...

Interesting! I didn't get on IRC until something like 1996 (before that I did Webchat, and before that there were local BBSes). I don't think I've ever heard BBQ, so maybe it had died out by then. Thanks for the info!