Monday, September 12, 2005


I, like all self-obsessed persons, enjoy searching for myself on Google. (Right now I'm pleased to report that this journal is the number two result for searches for "Heather Meadows". Go me and my bad self.) I searched for "Heather Aubrey" again, just for fun, and once again came across the "Utopia Bibliography" wherein the following horrendous sentence is quoted:

Heather Aubrey's George Orwell and the English Language

Orwell's "predictions of what problems the dangerous capabilities of language might cause are coming true today."
Yes, I did write that. And yes, I am so sorry. Please forgive me.

(You could pretend that the sentence was intended as an example of language going bad, but I don't think it's bad in the way Orwell was predicting, and anyway I wasn't that smart when I was a senior in high school.)

[Update 9/13 3:30 pm:] OMGWTFBBQ, here is the essay in its entirety. I have got to archive this puppy.

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