Tuesday, September 20, 2005


I only really have one home at this point, and that's my parents' house. In a few minutes, I'll be leaving for a visit. I'm coming back on Saturday, because David's coming into town on that day, but I really think I need this. I think it'll give me some perspective, and also room to relax. I love my in-laws, and they have been so great to us, but I'm not comfortable here, and I'm tired of feeling like a horrible ingrate. I think maybe if I go someplace where I am comfortable for awhile, I'll be able to return refreshed.

So, I've packed the little old blue suitcase someone gave us, and when I'm done with this post I'll pack the laptop bag, and I'll throw some snacks and drinks into my lunchbox and be off.


Unknown said...

I hope you have a great time and that the trip gives you some breathing room

Anonymous said...

This could work out great. Faye and I were wanting to get out of town for a few days this week, but we haven't found someone to take care of the kids and the pets and keep the house clean. You'd be visiting with them if you did this for us, so it'd likely be the best result both of us could ask for. Drive safe!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you must be great with kids. The trust your brother has for you does not exist in every family. Have fun!

Heather Meadows said...

Em: Thanks. I'm actually feeling a lot better already.

AJ and the Nameless One: Ha, ha :>