Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I don't get it

The BoBs are accepting nominations. I wanted to nominate Somewhere on the masthead (because I'm such a fangirl), but the nomination page is totally confusing.

Look at this.

I basically can't tell if the right column is supposed to be about me or the person I'm nominating. The Rules don't clear this up, either.

So, sorry, Magazine nomination due to horrible site design.

(By the way, what is this? Two different awards with practically the same name, and the exact same abbreviation?)


Magazine Man said...

Oh hon, that's okay. It's the thought that counts.

That is a confusing form.

Although I'm guessing all the stuff on the right--the column starting with Nickname--is your information. The stuff on the left is the blog you're nominating.

Not that I'm saying you should go back and try again.

Heather Meadows said...

I just don't want them to think that your blog belongs to me!

The only blank that is obviously about me is the "Your Website" thing.

Anonymous said...

I'm writing from the Deutsche Welle about the confusion with the Best of the Blogs submission form.

You're right, the right-hand column isn't all that clear, and I've changing it. It was intended that you enter your own name on the right side -- that the information that shows up after "Suggested by:"

Soon there'll be no reason not to suggest the other blogs and podcasts you like!



Heather Meadows said...

Thank you!

Heather Meadows said...

Okay, MM, consider yourself nominated! :D

Anonymous said...

I apologize for the confusion about their BOB and our BoB. We have a little different award, as our categories are not about journalism but about personal blogs. They are in EU we are in US. I think great minds think alike.

Heather Meadows said...

Oh, cool. Well, I'll keep you guys in mind too, because you seem to have much more robust categories for nominations.