Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Going to Charleston!

Hello my faithful readers!

Sean and I are going with his parents to Charleston, South Carolina for Thanksgiving. We're leaving today and will be returning home on Sunday. As we will be staying at a campsite, we probably won't have Internet access. (There's a slim chance of Wi-Fi, but we're not counting on that.)

So, if you don't hear from me until Sunday (or Monday!), that's why.

Happy Thanksgiving!


David said...

Sean. Campsite. OMG ROFLCopter.

Anonymous said...

Have a great time. Camping is Kewl.

Heather Meadows said...

It's not the kind of camping you're accustomed to, AJ; we're in a camper! It's the life of luxury for us ;>

Remember staying in Aunt Carol's camper at Woodhaven? I'm feeling all nostalgic :) Except we aren't recording jokes and stories with a tape recorder ;>