Friday, October 20, 2006

Batman dream

My dream last night was almost like an episode of a TV series, or maybe a movie.

I was part of a group of a little over a half dozen or so of people being held hostage. Or rather, we were in the wrong place at the wrong time. The bad guys were trying to do something--steal something, sabotage something, I'm not sure--and since we happened to be at the scene, they decided to use us.

Our main task was to find each and every last miniature Batmobile in the place and cover it so that Batman couldn't see what they were doing.

There were many mini Batmobiles.

I wasn't sure if I should point out all the ones I saw, or conveniently overlook one. I played it safe and pointed them all out.

There was a love subplot in the dream as well. One of the hostages was a girl named Heather, who I thought was my friend Sam's fiancee. However, she kept complaining about him, so I spent a lot of my time talking him up, pointing out how totally awesome he is.

In the end I seemed to have moved her...only to find out that she wasn't his fiancee at all, but a girl who thought she'd been set up on a blind date with him. So rather than help his relationship, I had introduced an annoying variable.

Also, in the dream, Sam was Batman.


Anonymous said...

Wow. I get rather an impression that a dream interpreter would have a field day with that one :-)

Heather said...

Oh MAN I can't wait until Sam finds out he's Batman. He'll love that. He wants a t-shirt that declares it to the world.

Weird dreams like that always leave me waking up thinking, "Ooookay, where the heck did THAT one come from?" :)

Ironside said...

I'm Bat-Man

Heather Meadows said...

James: My dreams are typically pretty cool. I think because I think about story structure so much, my dreams end up having story structure (of a sort). They also, of course, incorporate things that happened to me that day, or things that are on my mind.

Sometimes I think my dreams are pretty obvious. Other times I'm not so sure.

My husband hates dreams, but I love talking about them, so usually when I have a good one I post it ;)

Heather: How about this one?

Sam: It was right in front of us the whole time, and we never knew.

And hey, you have a new blog! And you didn't tell me!

Heather said...

That's it! That's the very same t-shirt. He talks about it a lot, that and the "More Cowbell" shirt.

Anonymous said...

I got a fever. And the only prescription. Is more Batman!

Ironside said...


I like that idea, but in my case the shirt would read "I got a fever. And the only prescription. Is more me! That's kinda narcissistic, ya know. Anyway, there are other benefits to being Batman. The car, for example.

Heather M:

Sorry I didn't tell you about the blog. I'm still not sure how much updating it's going to get.

Heather Meadows said...

I'll find some way to forgive you.