Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Pumpkin Scissors

Remember how I started watching Prince of Tennis because I thought the name was hilarious?



Dyson said...

I was already downloading it when I read this earlier, and watched it just this evening.

It was pretty good. It has an interesting setting, though the characters obviously need time to flesh out a bit. The design and characters do remind me a bit of Black Lagoon and GunXSword, respectively (Tall guy with an odd eating habit and special strengths based on his mysterious past?).

I'll download more, I think. Though I was expecting something a little more gothic and horror-based, rather than a military story. Pumpkin Scissors is kind of a weird name for a team.

Heather Meadows said...



It seems to be some sort of reference to Jack o' they actually carve those with scissors in Japan? Or do they think we do?

In any case...

Loved it. Plucky little lieutenant, big guy looking for something to believe in, nerd and slacker lackeys. Dog who bites people in the head!

Plus it had a neat OP, and the ED was cute as hell.