Sunday, October 15, 2006

Halloween costume

I haven't dressed up--I mean really put effort into it--since I stopped trick or treating. I'm not sure when that was, but I'm sure I was in elementary school. In high school I had a costume party where everyone was required to wear a costume, and then I threw mine together ten minutes before people arrived. I'm not even sure what I was supposed to be, but it involved a blue shirt and a patterned skirt. I think I put a brown robe on over that for part of the time (gee).

I did something similar while I was at UAH. I put on a peasant blouse, hoop earrings, and a skirt, and tried to convince the young daughter of the ASME president that I was a gypsy.

I bought a "geisha" outfit for a party I went to sometime after UAH--I think it was a party with people from work, before cancer and UK. Could have been after cancer and before UK, though. I'm not sure. Anyway, the costume was terrible...I put zero effort into it and was embarrassed the whole night.

Other than those, I haven't really done Halloween. I haven't dressed up, other than looking a little better to go to an opera or something. And I've been thinking lately that I'd like to start doing it, dolling up and looking different and interesting for a night.

I'm going to a party on Halloween. I don't have to dress up for it, but it would be fun. So I've been thinking about costume ideas.

Right now I'm pondering dressing as a Japanese ghost, or as a ninja.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Advice?


Christopher said...

Ninja is pretty easy to do. Black clothing and a shirt tied about your head.

I did cosplay once, and let me tell you that's hard to come up with a good costume, luckily my ex made mine when i was a more muscular build. I was the main char from that Square beat'em up on the PS2 (I think it was called the Bouncer). That was fun, so maybe you could do somethin' like that. A sort of anime-themed get up. I've always wanted to do Sousuke from FMP. Maybe I should do somethin' like that ^.^

Heather Meadows said...

I think Sean and I should dress up as Sousuke and Kaname someday. From Fumoffu, so I could carry that big fan ;>

Christopher said...

You can't do Kaname without the fan imo. That would be awesome tho ^.^ I think she has the fan from the original series too, if I remember correctly. I think she just gets more use out of it in Fumoffu and 2nd Raid. I have some photo's from when I did a bit of cosplay (it was for Anime Expo of 03) and I think I still have that pic of that Japanese cosplayer who did Kaname. I'll have to upload it when I find it again. ^_^

Anonymous said...

My understanding is that a popular costume among anime fans is that of a shinigami, but that's just what I've read/observed. Unfortunately I'm way behind on my new anime watching so I really don't know what the current "in" thing to wear would be.

I, on the other hand, am going classic zombie style as can be observed in my test run here.

Heather Meadows said...

Jair: She does have the fan in the original. I believe it made an appearance in the episode where Sousuke detonated the shoe lockers.

But I think it's larger in Fumoffu. And it definitely gets more play :>

I never did finish watching TSR. It was a little creepy and not very funny, in my opinion.

James: Oooh, a zombie. The link's not working for me...maybe it's blocked because I'm at work? I'll check again when I get home.

Word Verification: itkox

Anonymous said...

Doh, I left out a letter in the URL...

This should do it

Heather Meadows said...

Whoa. Very nice!

Anonymous said...

Heather, I can help you coem up with a costume, and get dressed even, if you like. :) I have some things I've made that you could wear, if you want to look through them, although, keep in mind, I've made them with my 5'11" frame in mind. :-\ I don't have any sort of parties to go to on actual Halloween, so I think I'm going to just goth out for work during the day. David was telling me about some goth things over in England, and it got me all in the goth-y frame of mind, again, so I'm going to don my gorgeous black wig, and come up with some little goth outfit around that. I found some tights with skulls on them. VERY nice. ;)

Christopher said...

Oh trust me, TSR is definately not Fumoffu. But its so awesome! I mean, it really breaks down Sousuke's character in a way you'd never thought you'd see him. If anything, watch it all the way thru so that way you get the most awesome Sousuke line EVAR! ^_^ Its really worth it in my opinion. TSR is definately more like the first season, except they upped the anty on the gore and plot and downed the funny. There's a bit of funny, but its few and far between (unless headshots make you laugh, like my friend Darren >.>;;)