Sunday, October 15, 2006

Some interesting, ridiculous numbers

According to, in this market, with my education and experience, in a position comparable to the one I currently hold, I should be making anywhere from $54,287 to $67,853. says the range is $46,000 to $60,700.



Anonymous said...

I had a similar experience where I learned I was making about $25k - $30K less than the mean income for my job, even factoring in certain field restrictions (i.e. I represent clients that can't pay really high hourly rates).

Fascinating my ass, my life is worth more than that, you pscyo bosses for whom I work! GAH!

Heather Meadows said...

Our own faults for not researching and negotiating beforehand? :>

I'm still not sure I could have negotiated myself into those numbers.