Wednesday, January 3, 2007

I hate Bellsouth's "there's no reason" ad

When I see it, I want to fly into a murderous rage.

See, there's this young couple walking a downtown street. And the guy starts saying, "There's really no reason to stick to dialup."

Except he only manages to get out "There's really no re--"

And then his girlfriend stops walking, presses her hand against his chest, and, laughing, interrupts, "There's really no reason to stick to dialup." While she speaks, I swear she starts giving him a nipple twist.

The look on his face says, "Well, she castrated me again...but what can I do?"

Seriously. What is the purpose of this? Is this supposed to be cute? It's not cute. It's sickening. Why is it okay for her to cut her boyfriend off, and then say the exact same thing he was going to say? Why is it okay for him to put up with it?

For the rest of the commercial, the guy just stands there, looking cowed and not a little annoyed, and the girl keeps talking in her cutesy, giggly voice, ignoring him.

I just want to smack her in the face.


Heather said...

Good rant! I hate several ads, particularly that one for the toenail fungus medication that features the little cartoony monster LIFTING UP SOMEONE'S TOENAIL and jumping under it. I have chills just thinking about it.

I also hate the new comercial for whatever brand car it is where they're singing "So Long, Farewell" from The Sound of Music, Mucinex comercials, and Valtrex comercials. Nothing makes me think "Hunh! Herpes is normal and fun!" like a couple of healthy athletic people talking seriously about their outbreaks. Yuck.

Heather Meadows said...

haha :D

Yes, that toenail commercial is awful.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the toenail one freaks me out, too; I can feel my skin crawl when he lifts the toenail.. RRGGHH!!
I personally hate the "HEAD-ON" commercials, although I hate that I hate them (or have any opinions on them in the first place)because that seems to be what the "HEAD-ON" people want in the first place. SIGH..