Monday, January 1, 2007

That didn't seem very...professional?

So I just watched the Saddam execution. Video problems aside (it was taken from a cell phone camera), I wasn't sure what to think of the whole thing. It was a dark room and there seemed to be a bunch of people in there, all taking pictures and yelling. It felt more like a lynching than a state-mandated execution.

Also, isn't the knot supposed to be in the back? Or have the movies lied to me?


Merujo said...

Ah, it's not just me, then! I watched it and thought, "Well, that could have been handled better." It was a strange end, and the way it looked, it had no decorum that spoke of it being done by A Government.

But, it is done. Perhaps the hamhanded way of his death was appropriate for a man who had people shredded to death. I'm still pondering it...

Anonymous said...

The video is not currently available, but I'm assuming it was a hanging and you're speaking of the noose. If so, then the knot should be to the side of the neck. Having the knot on the back of the neck will cause a slow strangulation. The sudden stop at the end of the rope will constrict the noose around the throat, cutting off air flow.

Having the noose knot at the side of the neck is the correct procedure. The sudden stop at the end of the rope will jerk the neck sideways and break the neck immediately.

Heather Meadows said...

Merujo- Yeah...I hardly feel sorry for the guy, even if he did look like somebody's grandpa. But if the new Iraqi government wants to be taken seriously--and wants to distance itself from the old regime--I'm not sure this was the way to do it.

Hai- Ah! Yes, it was a hanging. The knot looked kind of like it was in front and to the side to me. Maybe between his ear and his nose is a good description, though it may have been further to the side than that. Thanks for the info!