Wednesday, January 31, 2007

My impression of Augusta-area school systems

Oh no! There's a chill in the air!

Cancel school tomorrow!!


Anonymous said...

You forgot the "let's let the school kids sweat it overnight, wondering whether or not their schools will be closed in the morning."

And what's this going in LATE crap? We either went on time, or not at all. Granted, that was private school, but I'm sure private school protocol can't be that different from public. Besides, we had to sweat it out overnight to find out, just like the public school kids..

Heather Meadows said...

Here lately it doesn't seem like any of the schools are making people wait overnight.

Back in Kentucky, we got up in the morning, looked out the window, and if there was snow or ice, we checked the TV to see if we were going in. And often...we were! There was never any of this afternoon-before closings/delays crap. You don't know if the roads will be driveable until you actually drive them that morning, after all :P