Friday, March 9, 2007

Crazy drunk "let me just drive through the mall" guy

Because this is the biggest story in Augusta. Screw T-Mobile, I'm all about ramming an SUV through the second floor of Augusta Mall!

He looks pleasant, doesn't he?

What's scary about this is how deftly he maneuvers through the mall, never slowing down, and somehow managing not to careen over the side and fall to the first level.

Miklos says this story was on CNN, and I also heard that Inside Edition came out to film something. (You know your story's worth something when it's on Inside Edition! ;P)


Miklos said...

I can kinda sympathize with the guy.

One of my all time favorite movies is "The Blues Brothers" and I'm willin' to bet my paycheck ol' Mr. Friendly here saw that flick at some point in his grizzled life.

Thankfully no one was hurt.

And man oh man will ya look at that mugshot! I'm printing out a copy of that to keep with me at all times to remind myself on Monday mornings that things could be worse.

That part in the mall video on the news station between 1:30 and 2:25 is great whe the janitors come out.

Wish there was audio on that.

Anonymous said...


What can I say? I leave Augusta, and ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE!

Seriously, I'm glad no one was hurt; it's a really crappy thing to happen, but seems to me, a loose cannon like that would have gone off at any time, so at least it was a good thing it was this way, and no one was hurt. The police officer he assaulted is alright, minus some broken glasses, correct? Thank goodness for those guys, apprehending this crazy!!

I woke up to this clip playing this morning, David was in the next room over, reading your blog and watching the clip. At first, I recognized the American accent, then I started waking up a bit more, and realized I knew exactly where the newscaster was talking about!! I came around the corner, and David played it a second time, so I could see it. Crazy crap.

I just watched it on MSN, too, it's on their front page. :P

Anonymous said...

it made Drudge Report even !!

reminds me of the guy that crashed the National golf course back in the 80's when Reagan was there.

Mystery Photo Guy