Monday, March 26, 2007

Day 10

Yes, ten.

Kill me now.

It let off enough yesterday morning and early afternoon that I thought it was over, and then all of a sudden...whoosh.

Yeah, thanks.


Anonymous said...

So, are YOU going to start calling around and find a new Dr. (just in general, although this is a GREAT segway for me to bring it up) or do you want ME to do it?!

Heather Meadows said...

The spelling is "segue", my dear.

And sure, you can do it for me. Thanks!

Heather said...

Oh good LORD woman, get thee to the doctor. This is why they exist- because I know from personal experience that while even having a period can be cause for celebration, your body does not have to take it upon itself to celebrate for TOO long. Think of the hangover from all that uterine partying!

Anonymous said...

Hear, hear!! Tell her, Y.A.H.!!

And "segue" or "segway," I have a Dr.'s appt here April 2nd, and I JUST MOVED TO A WHOLE NEW COUNTRY, so what's your excuse?! :P

Seriously, I just harp on you because I love you, and I want you to stay healthy.

Heather Meadows said...

It occurred to me this morning that I'm probably embarrassed to go back to the doctor, what with all the weight I've gained.

I will try to figure out what doctor I can go to and get it over with. I need to check and see if my new insurance covers my old GYN, and I need to find an all-new endocrinologist.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but so what? Sure that's a big factor in overall health, but don't forget, you've been through lots of stressors in the past couple of years, and as much stuff as has changed for you, who could blame you for the hiccups in your schedule?

So it still might take you a little more time to commit to a decision of weight loss and sticking with it, there's nothing wrong with that. I'm still not totally sticking with the weight loss idea, yea, but I HAVE made more time in my life for exercise, at least, and that's a step.

Little steps add up to big ones, so do some little things, like getting your doctors in order, and having a consultation about your health. It'll be easier for you to keep going, if you know your taking off point. :)

You can do it, Hea Hea..

Heather said...

YES! Go anyway. Even better, if you have any friends who are really, um, blessed in body size (like me), see if their doctors bug them about their weight. My doctor never says anything about it, and I'm never changing doctors. The bad part is that he is in Nashville and that doesn't help you, does it?

Just saying at an appointment that you have a weight-loss plan/goal/whatever can make them focus on the real issue. And if they do focus all of their attention on body size, then never going back out of anger or indignation is much better for you than hiding out when something isn't right. I went to a specialist a couple of years ago for re-curring strep throat and what did he do? Focus on my weight. Who never went back to that doctor? Me!

Heather Meadows said...

I need to lose weight. This is obvious. I don't want a doctor to pretend my weight problem doesn't exist. That would make me wonder what else he/she might be neglecting to mention out of politeness.

Obviously I don't want them to obsess about it, but I do want them to help me.

Hormone supplements, should I be asked to go back on them, actually cause weight gain, so the conversation would occur regardless.

The point of my saying that I was embarrassed was not to use it as an excuse, but to say that "Oh, hmm, I'm being silly".

I'm sure my lack of chronological organization and tendency to procrastinate were also factors in my lack of doctor-going.

I haven't had my eyes checked or been to a dentist since long before I got married.

Anonymous said...

Then you need to do those things, too, Hea. :) My GP in Augusta didn't harp on my weight, but he DID want me to work on it. He was great about the two of us working TOGETHER on a solution, and that approach really worked for me. :) If you want his info, just call my mom or email me. :) Also, if you need Dentist and Opthomologist suggestions, I have some of those, too. ;) One thing, too, about my GP in Augusta, I brought up the weight issue with him, and I think that was enough to show him that it had been something I'd been working on, already, so he knew he didn't have to push me. Give it a shot, Hea, and good luck!! I can't wait to hear your progress with the Dr. search, be it through another post, or a personal email!! Keep me informed!! :D