Friday, March 23, 2007

I have no friends!

Now that Brooke is gone, who am I supposed to drag along when I get free tickets to stuff?

I'm going to Quartetto Gelato tonight at the Imperial, and of course I have two tickets, but I can't think of anyone to invite!

I did ask Wes, but he had play practice, and I tried Mari, but it was way too short notice.

I'm so exhausted right now I don't even know if I want to go, but I've been looking forward to it for weeks.

So blah. I guess my purse will have its own seat.

Either that or I could randomly give it to a stranger. But I doubt I will see many other people attending the concert by themselves.


Edit: I'm still at work at 7:55, and the show starts at I just called the Imperial to tell them they could sell or give my tickets away to someone else. They seemed to appreciate that, which is good.

I'm feeling a little poopy. Just need to get done here and go home and change into my nightclothes and veg out with my Initial D First Stage DVDs.


Anonymous said...

You just need a mannequin (or at least the upper part of one) to take with you. I used to have one (a torso, her name was Susan; she was lovely) that rode around in the passenger seat of my oldsmobile. She was great, she'd listen to whatever I had to say, without trying to offer any sort of opinion. I miss Susan, she was SO cool.

Well, IN JULY WHEN YOU'RE HERE, we'll go do something along those lines, like go to a play, or a symphony, or an opera, or something, along with a bunch of other cool stuff. :)

Heather Meadows said...

Yes, it's much better to have someone around who agrees with you unconditionally and doesn't mess up your world outlook with differing points of view! XD

I'm all about the opera. Any of those, really :D