Friday, May 18, 2007

Great minds?

So I watched Return of the Jedi the other day.

And apparently so did everyone else! To wit: today's Diesel Sweeties, today's Shortpacked!


(Those comics probably aren't Mom-friendly.)


Brooke said...

It's in my line up of things to watch; Empire Strikes Back will come before it, though, because we're watching all six in order.. ;)

Heather Meadows said...

Gah, may as well skip the first three. To my mind they aren't really Star Wars movies ;>

I watched Star Wars several months ago, and Empire before I watched Jedi.

Brooke said...

I know what you mean, and I USED to think that way, but now that I've seen them, I don't think they're so bad. They have their place, I suppose. I'm still an "original three released" girl.

Heather Meadows said...

I saw all the prequels on opening night, each time hoping...

I was actually on board for the third one until Darth Vader said "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!", which I thought was horribly cheesy. There were other flaws in the movie that I've discussed before, but somehow I was willing to overlook them until that point.

I liked the second one all right, despite the fact that they never explored the ethical issues of using clones in war. (Maybe it was enough that the good guys were doing it?)

The first one was just terrible and largely unnecessary.

But regardless, the three don't really feel like Star Wars to me. I just consider them to be a separate universe.