Friday, May 4, 2007

Spider-Man 3 = awesome.

I'll wait awhile to give my full report, since I know my friends are going to want to see the movie and they wouldn't want me to give anything away.

Here are some general, non-spoilerrific notes:

Fabulous opening titles.
Amazing visuals.
A lot happened. I mean wow.
Lowell got old.
Yay for more Spidey characters!

I really want to say something about something that happened to Peter...but I'll restrain myself.


Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, YEY!! Thanks for not giving away any details; I'm hoping David and I can go see it this weekend, it's a three day weekend here (Monday's a bank holiday). I've been trying to not even see a lot of the trailers, and honestly, I've been pretty lucky so far. :D I've seen the other two, and so far, #2 is my fave (David's is the 1st one) and I've been waiting for #3 for a WHILE, now!!

The last time I tried to keep myself TOTALLY without knowing ANYTHING about a movie I wanted to see (Sixth Sense) Jay Leno ruined it for me. Boo, Jay.. But YEY, Hea, for making me even MORE excited about wanting to see Spiderman 3!!!

Heather Meadows said...

These days you pretty much have to avoid all pop culture to avoid spoilers.

I remember awhile back when everyone was discussing Harry Potter on their blogs, and there were a lot of angry readers...

AJ and I agree that the second Spider-Man movie is better than the first one. I will have to see it again, but at this time I think the third one eclipses both.

Merujo said...

"Lowell got old." LOL

I almost went to see this yesterday, but I got wrapped up in running errands and never made it! I'll probably go in a couple of weeks on my next flex day, once initial crowds are down and I can enjoy a quiet weekday show. I loves me some Spider-Man. BTW, this site has some fairly funny Spidey stuff. My fave? "Spider-Man/Fisherman." So weird!

Happy free comic book day!

Heather Meadows said...

Thanks for the link! I love the description of the Clone Saga. I never did quite understand what was going on there, and now I see why!

And yeah, Wings is probably my favorite sitcom of all time (Friends comes second). I'm collecting it on DVD. When I was in Boston a couple years ago, I was upset that I didn't have a chance to visit Nantucket :P

Merujo said...

Ah, "Wings"!!

I will never forget Antonio's version of "Michael, Row the Boat Ashore": "My goat knows the bowling score... Fred's new hair is in the mail..."

Hallelujah, indeed. ;)

Heather Meadows said...

ahahaha, yes!