Thursday, May 3, 2007

Ugh (TMI)

Is nausea, to the point of having bile come up into the back of your mouth, a symptom of being out of shape?

I've had nausea at various times of day, often in the morning, intermittently for awhile now.

Sometimes it happens after I've eaten something, but it's not the kind of nausea you get when you've overeaten. And usually I haven't overeaten. I haven't overeaten in quite some time.

Sometimes it happens hours after I've had anything to eat, and it's kind of like the nausea you feel when you're hungry, but more pronounced.

Lately it's gotten to where no food sounds appetizing, and I both really want to eat and really don't want to eat.

Like a fool, I took a pregnancy test, and it was of course negative. I think the chances of a person whose eggs have been fried by chemotherapy all of a sudden getting pregnant are about zero. But I don't think my heart will give up on the idea until I'm maybe 45. ;P


Merujo said...

The nurse at my podiatrist's office had cervical cancer. After treatment, they told her she would never be able to get pregnant. Fast forward - she and her husband are getting ready to go on a cruise, but the morning of departure, she is hit with something that feels like the sudden onset of the stomach flu. Go figure, she was pregnant! Her doctor said - literally, apparently "How the hell did this happen?!?" It's an amazingly strange, and sometimes wonderful, world we live in.

Feel better!! I think I've developed acid reflux, which many of my sisters have, too. I need to go talk to my doc about that. Grrrr!

Heather Meadows said...

It's intermittent...I feel fine now :P

I've heard a couple of other stories like that. I'm not sure it's a good idea to get my hopes up, though. I was depressed for the first year of my marriage over it.