Friday, February 18, 2005

"Humans are causing global warming" the Slashdot headline. Here's the article they link to. I'm still at work, so I'll read it later ;P


Anonymous said...

It's me again, Jazz. I hope you don't mind my repeated attempts to reenter your life.... You don't seem that interested in jumpstarting the friendship, so to speak. But I would like to be close friends again, if possible. When I get the chance to read your blogs, I realize how much we have in common. I feel so bad that you recently visited Boston/Providence and didn't see me. For some reason it really smarted, even though I know we aren't close enough for that anymore. I wish we had never fought, and over such petty things. Anyway, I am in Texas now. Would love to get reacquanted with you. Please write me at
If you don't want to try to get to be friends again, pls do the favor of directly telling me your feelings. Also, if you want, I can send you the website for pics of my kids, and occasionally of me.
Take care, and best wishes,

Heather Meadows said...

Thanks for posting, Jazz! I see that I haven't sent you an email since...err...last June.


I'm horrible at keeping up email correspondence...I'll go write you an email right now.