Sunday, February 13, 2005

Okay, I'm liking the GTD Add-In so far.

I've created all the Projects I could think of, and then assigned at least one task to each one. Click here to see what my task list looks like. (The top Project is the possible new business venture I keep hinting about, and I don't want people to know what it is, or what I'm thinking of calling it, so I blurred the name.)

I don't know if I'm being too general with some of them or not. I can already see that I was a little vague concerning the Blogger export tool...what I meant to say was, fix the file up, and then publish the details of how to export from Blogger here in a post, and go link to my post on the WordPress forums. But that phrase could be interpreted as "Finish up Blogger export tool, then export Blogger posts and comments".

(The tool is essentially done, but I don't want people looking at the code until I've had a chance to make it user-friendly and less sloppy. I'm also not going to do my export until my WordPress template is done, and I've installed WordPress, and I'm satisfied with all the settings. Hopefully that will minimize the down-time for the journal. I'm going to have to edit the exported file to add usernames and to alter all the image links, as I'm planning on moving my images to /images. I figure I'll use Dreamweaver's Replace function to scour all the files for the latter; for the former, I'm going to have to go in by hand. Doing it before importing into WordPress will have the benefit of creating user accounts for each commenter. This will make it easy to find all comments by a particular person.)

I did completely change my directory structure in Outlook, getting rid of quite a few folders I'd been using to sort my "Done" items. Now they're all in "Done"; if I need them I can find them with Find. (Imagine that.) I will be happy to stay with my new directory structure even if I end up removing the GTD Plug-In.

But to be honest, I really like the thing. It's easy to use. Now we just have to see if it will help my productivity. There's only one thing I'm concerned about, and that is where to put project plans and outlines. (This is why I think some of my Tasks/Actions are too general.) I'm not sure if I would make those into tasks, or if there's something else I'm supposed to do with them. One of the main goals of GTD is to get all the stuff out of your head so it isn't stressing you out all the time, so I would assume there is someplace I'm supposed to write all my plans.

You may note that I only have one deadline in my Tasks. The rest of them are ASAP, I suppose, but I wonder if I will actually do them without a deadline. I also wonder if I will tend to focus on tasks relating to a project I find interesting, and ignore the tasks for the other projects.

I guess we'll find out :)

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