Saturday, February 19, 2005

I've been sleeping too much again

I've been taking all kinds of naps. Yesterday I went to bed not long after I got home from work, and I stayed there until 4:15 am. Then I got up, but I was fully intending to go back to bed after a bit.

Sean headed to bed not long after I got up, and gave me some cash, saying, "When 9 rolls around, go grab us some hotcakes from McDonald's." Even now that we've been married over two years, sometimes I still have to ask him to repeat himself so I can understand what he said :> I don't use the "rolls around" or "grab" constructions with any frequency, but he uses them all the time. You'd think I'd get used to them...

So anyway, I guess I'm staying up. Right now I'm adding more pictures to smugmug and captioning them. Whee.

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