Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Biking: the mood-maker

Sean's 1 to 10 pm schedule is very inconvenient, dinner-wise. He's called me about five times now asking about what he should pick up on his way home, only to then call back and say that that place is closed. Our final choice? McDonald's. (But this time, I'm getting a salad.)

I stayed at work for the amount of time listed on the schedule that was emailed to me yesterday (that is, until 1 pm). I was pretty productive; throwing myself into my work helps me to get my mind off the things that bother me. After that I stuffed packages and last night's deposit in my backpack and headed out to the post office and bank. On my bike.

Let me tell you, Martinez Boulevard is a bitch. Somehow, it was all uphill, and into the wind. I felt like I was standing still at points. It sucked.

When I finally got to Commercial Boulevard, I was panting like a sumbitch. Fortunately, that road allowed me to coast a little, so I was refreshed by the time I got down to the post boxes and parked my bike to offload all those packages. (The uphill journey back to Martinez Boulevard was not appreciated, though.)

After that I turned right and headed up to Old Evans Road, then left to Washington, and left again onto Washington so I could stop off at Wachovia. I considered getting a smoothie at R. Gabriel's once my banking was complete, but ultimately I decided that I was going to have a brownie when I got home, so I didn't need the extra calories. I headed out Sheriff's Drive to Davis Road, and down Davis to my apartment.

It was warm today. The wind (the evil, evil wind that seemed to want to blow hard directly in my face) didn't particularly make things any cooler. It wasn't hot, but I was fairly sweaty when I finally got home. After I threw my bike helmet into my car, I just stood there for a moment, enjoying how the wind felt when it wasn't blasting me under the full heat of the sun. The trees, fully in blossom, waved and whispered around me, and white petals fell like snow.

After shoving my bike up the stairs, I changed into shorts and a t-shirt and turned up the A/C. (Ahhhh, aircon.) Then, really, all I did was poke around reading websites and comics, and eating brownies, until finally at around 4 I decided to take a nap. I set my alarm for 6 so I could go to bellydance class, but when I woke up to go to the bathroom at 5:30 I felt way too tired to have to get up in a mere half an hour, so I turned off my alarm. I slept soundly until 10, when Sean got off work and called me to see what I wanted to eat.

And that, dear children, was my day. It was, on the whole, fairly good. It started out a little stressful and annoying, but ended up comfortable, and right now I'm feelin' fine.

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