Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I took the day off work

I was feeling utterly crappy this morning. I still don't feel all that great. I don't think I'm actually sick. I think it's the combination of this Period from Hell and stress. I'm glad Brooke dragged me out yesterday, because I would have spent that day just like I'm spending this one right now: sitting around in pajamas moping.

As soon as I exhaust my stock of websites to read, I'll get to work on my WordPress template, I suppose.


ruth said...

have you tried royal jelly???? it's done the trick for me as a touring always ill muso...
i see you are a duane fan - check out my husbands site which is pretty beautiful too. he also does a painting a day; a postcard from provence.

Anonymous said...

So "George" has come knocking with a pickaxe, as Kristanne and I used to say. Sorry about your suffering.

Heather Meadows said...

MHiF, I am not sure what royal jelly is, or what purpose it serves. Could you elaborate?

You have a neat looking blog, and your husband's also looks cool. I'll check them both out.

Jazz, I thought I was the one who came up with the "pickaxe" part.

Anonymous said...

Did I mention crappy memory in my symptoms list the other week? Anyway, I guess we all took off with it. ;} Despite the hardship, it can be fun being girls. If you do it together.