Wednesday, March 9, 2005

I have to give up on trying to be girly, because I have no patience for it

So, I tried to use that haircomb/scrunchie thing this morning, when I changed clothes after biking to work. I tried to remember how to put it in my hair, and was mostly successful, though I have no idea how it looked. But as I was rockin' to SOUL'D OUT, Robert called on the PTT phone, and I had to take off my headphones.

That movement caused the hair thingie to fall right out, so I gave up on it. I have no time to treat my hair carefully! If there are going to be things in my hair, they need to stay there with minimal supervision!

It sucks to be a tomboy sometimes ;P


Anonymous said...

I have found, even with little kids, the best way to look girlie with no effort is a well maintained (trimmed regularly) shoulder length cut that looks sexy down (for me layers around face for slimming factor) but will for practical purposes always be tied up in one of those hair claw type things (you know what I mean). For face, all that is really required is any wash, lotion or whatever with salicylic acid to keep zits and redness of any kind (i.e. rosacea) away, and good sunscreen to keep wrinkles away. Ok, and sometimes a powder because the sunscreen causes shine. I am not trying to promote Avon, cuz I would get nothing out of you buying it. But it has awesome foundations and powders with salicylic acid, sunscreen and such. Avon and claws have saved me from my awkwardness!

Heather Meadows said...

My hair probably wouldn't stay in one of those claws...

I do wear makeup, I kind of feel naked without it. Just some powder, eyeshadow, and mascara. It's kind of a natural look because the eyeshadow is pink, and you can pretend that my eyelashes aren't naturally invisible.

My biggest problem is my stupid hair, which refuses to do anything properly. One time my mom put a perm in. It was gone within two weeks. All the times I've had it professionally styled (e.g. for prom), it's fallen within two hours. My own styling attempts tend to fall within 20 minutes. Bobby pins, barrettes, and scrunchies just slide right out. I can do ponytails with a tight enough band, but I end up stretching my bands out getting them tight enough, so they end up not working after awhile.

The only thing I've ever used in my hair to any decent effect is the Hairagami.

Anonymous said...

Sheesh, I would have to shave my head! I hate my hair getting in my face or in my way! It seems that you favor long hair, which I lapse into from time to time. Long hair is hard to manage cuz it is heavier. Have you ever tried it shorter?

Heather Meadows said...

I had it shorter for awhile after I had cancer, but then I guess I wanted to see how far it would grow out, so I let it keep going and going. A couple months ago I had about half a foot cut off because I had ridiculous split ends.

I've been thinking about going back to the chin-length style I had in 1999, which looked really cute (if I do say so myself), but I'm not sure I can pull it off at my current weight.

Anonymous said...

I got back online because I forgot to mention that the only claws (real name?) that hang onto my hair are the ones who tines are very rounded. They're a life saver, sometimes hard to find, so I buy a few at a time when I need them. With longer hair, you need a longer claw, but I still suggest shoulder length for bounciness and less heaviness. How long did your hair get, anyway??? For weight, or bad jaws or even perfect faces, think the Rachel without the flip up in the back that requires work. Long layers that frame the jaw and cover its excesses.
Not to be too advicey. I know we women usually just want to be heard, not have people problem solve for us, but it's hard to simply indicate listening on a blog, esp after having had the same kind of problems. BTW, bravo for riding your bike to work! Even though you got bitten in the ass. Keep it up!

Heather Meadows said...

My hair was pretty much high-school-Kristanne length. Before she cut it ;>

Anonymous said...

Damn, you're fast. Do you have aim? And wowsa about the hair.

Heather Meadows said...

It's okay. I might have been doing it wrong anyway. If I want to look pretty (in a different way from the usual) then I will have to get used to dealing with things I've never bothered with before. It seems so late in life for me to be learning how to do my hair...

I may go back to the chin-length. I really liked it.