Saturday, March 12, 2005

I hate having "product" in my hair.

It just feels...weird.

But look!

I don't look half bad, do I?

Perhaps I'll take some better pictures, pictures with more foresight than "Oh, I'm sitting in the car, let me take a picture real quick", later.

Do you think I need new glasses?


Anonymous said...

Jakers! You are looking great, in fact, this is one of your best looks yet (and hopefully it will prove to be the most manageable)! Definitely girly! Your face and shoulders are also looking superthin--I'm inspired!

Anonymous said...

Oh, btw, I was reading some of your recent posts, as you know, and I wanted to let you know that sometimes foreign exchange students and foster children bring more money into the home, at least enough to balance their stay. The problem is loving and then saying good bye. I could definitely see you as a photographer, or photojournalist, with a Oriental baby in one arm, and a blue eyed baby in the other. I whole heartedly believe you will get your wish someday; may God bless you. Follow your passions!