Saturday, September 17, 2005

Well, I've been fired

I'm not even really sure why, but the job was too good to be true anyway.


Unknown said...


Heather Meadows said...

Firing someone by email is pretty classy, isn't it? ;P

Heather Meadows said...

The email was from my boss, the one who hired me. It's kind of a sticky situation, though; he and his two brothers kind of run everything together, and their father is the owner. While the father claims that he doesn't actually run anything, it appears that his opinion still carries a lot of weight.

It's a small company. There is no HR person.

The company has several websites already. They wanted a new, upscale site. Their other sites were all built as Yahoo! stores. I was putting together a ShopSite store for them, hosted on pair.

I don't know if they did or didn't understand what was involved in designing a ShopSite template, but I do think that better communication was needed from everyone involved, including myself.

However, given the way I was let go and other office politics factors, I don't think I will really mind not being in their employ. The two things that bother me are 1) not having completed the project; 2) not having the income. But that's life.

Roderick said...

Hi Heather,

sorry to hear that you've been fired. I don't quite know what else to say but, I hope that you'll find a job that'll suit you and that you can enjoy.
