Thursday, April 19, 2007


I'm feeling depressed and tired. I don't know if the depression is fed by the tiredness or vice versa or if they're just coexisting phenomena.

Regardless, bleh.

I had some strange dreams last night. In the first one, I was really upset about how much weight I've gained, and I was thinking that I would never be able to lose it without surgery. But I didn't know if I would ever be able to afford it. When I said this aloud, my mother immediately sliced open my belly and started cutting away parts of my organs. At this point I could see inside there, and it looked like how it looks when you cut fat away from chicken with kitchen scissors.

I was thinking, I know you were a nurse, and I know you witnessed this sort of procedure before, but do you really know what you're doing? But I didn't say it.

Then she was done, and I said, "This wasn't an official surgery, so I won't be covered if something goes wrong." I must have been so traumatized by the thought that I could die that that part of the dream became a dream, and I was telling Mom about it.

"And so I thought to myself that I would never be able to lose the weight without that surgery," I said.

"Well, duh," Mom responded, and pulled out my flat metal spatula. She promptly split me open with it and did the surgery, and I watched it happen the exact same way.

This last bothered me so much that I woke up for real.

Somewhere in there I also dreamed that my workplace was on fire. It wasn't my office as it is now; it was a narrower room. I ran into the smoke and started grabbing stuff.

"I don't want to lose everything again," I explained, coughing. I managed to save several toys--all toys that I used to have at the old apartment, that were of course lost in the fire. One was my Darkwing Duck bank, and one was my Sailor Moon figure.

It's kind of funny; I have never obsessed about losing those toys.

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